
Last weekend I shot Hard Rock Calling. I really enjoyed it. All of it. The music, the atmosphere, even the weather.
Maybe I was just pushing my luck hoping for a similar experience at Wireless.
It seems I was!
The music wasn't particularly to my taste most of the time, the atmosphere didn't seem right the further into the weekend it got and whoevers idea it is to have over 50,000 people in there should take a long hard look at themselves.

Ok so I guess I just feel like this because I shot predominantly on the 3rd stage (which was quite near the main entrance) whilst being based in the press area (somewhere behind the main stage). On Friday it was a good 5 minute walk. That's fine, it's not that long I know but when you have editing piling up every second counts. Plus it's hot and i'm carry cameras with lenses and battery packs. But anyway, I digress.

That 5 minute walk I was lucky to do in 10 minutes...again not a long time, but when you finish shooting a band and have half an hour until the next one starts that's 10 minutes to upload everything you've shot and start sorting (10 mins back to press area then the trip back to the stage ;p).
I'm gonna leave it there and just say it was a long weekend which was a good experience for me!
Now you can look at my photos, please, if you've got this far, which only I have, and i've stopped writing about 4 times, wow look at the amount of, err, commas i've used in this little bit, it's quite a lot.
It's like The Shining. Sort of.
Digression over.
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