Monday, 29 March 2010

A Positive View

Yesterday I visited Somerset House for the A Positive View photography exhibition. I'd definitely recommend it if you have any interest at all in photography, and it's free to get in which is always nice.

There were photographs exhibited from the likes of Seydou Keita and (a particular favourite) Henri-Cartier Bresson.

I can't help but be inspired by work from these kinds of photographers and it's nice to get back out and about in London with camera in hand.

A Positive View ends on 5th April so I suggest you get down there whilst you still can. Plus you have the delights of reasonably priced food and drink in the Somerset House cafe to enjoy.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Turin Brakes

I headed down to Empire friday night (arriving with moments to spare) without really knowing what to expect. I used to quite like Turin Brakes but I was never a massive fan, although 'Pain Killer' is a particular favourite of mine.

Despite not being full capacity (not much interest from photographers either) there was a really good vibe. I enjoyed my 3 songs so much I stayed to watch for a while (although I did leave after they played 'Pain Killer' but it'd been a long week and I had a near hours journey home to look forward to!

I know it's not the best set of shots i've taken, but for 6 gigs worth of experience so far i'm quite pleased with my results.

Just a reminder that there are links from this page to my flickr page, my personal website and facebook (where you can become a fan if you so wish).

Check back for some Paloma Faith shots next week.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Mumford & Sons

Well. Where do I start? Saturday I shot the amazing Mumford & Sons at the Empire, a gig i've been looking forward to for months. What a show, what a band. Sunday night Marcus said that the first night they'd been nervous playing in a venue they used to walk by and look at the upcoming gigs listings, but it was such a good night i'm not sure anyone would've known!

They played three new songs and if they're anything to go by the fairly meteoric rise they have been on the past year isn't going to stop any time soon.

It's still early days in my attempts to get into this kind of work (this was only my 5th gig) but i'm really starting to enjoy it, although I think i've been influenced by the bands i've shot.

If i'm honest, I can't believe my luck!

I was fortunate enough to meet a couple of the band at saturday nights aftershow and I have to say that you couldn't wish to meet a nicer group of people. I really hope that their success continues, i'd also really hope that they play the Empire again and that I get to shoot them again because it was honestly the best night i've had in ages!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The XX 2.3.10

A couple of shots of The XX from last night at the o2 Shepherd's Bush Empire.

A few more can be seen on my facebook or flickr page.

Unfortunately I have nothing planned for a couple of weeks, looking forward to Mumford & Sons though.
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