Saturday, 11 December 2010


Last weekend I made my way to Islington to shoot the ridiculously good Cash - THE best Johnny Cash tribute band in the world!

You should definitely check them out if you're ever in the same town...I personally can't wait to see them (and shoot them) again!

Sunday, 24 October 2010

KT & Slow Club

Despite hoping to get back into this whole photography lark big time I have, for whatever reason, just not managed it. I don't think there has been a time, since I first picked up a camera, where I have shot so little. (Technically that's not true as I can shoot hundreds of frames of some bands, but you know what I mean).

There used to be a time when I could go anywhere with my camera and come back with a nice selection of pictures which i'd look at, be pleased with, show my family and some friends and put them on flickr. But now, it's all changed. It's not that I couldn't take the pictures, i'm not lacking inspiration particularly. I just seem to be finding it easy to ignore. I never thought i'd say "that'd make a good picture" but have no intention of shooting it.

I don't want to sound, well, I don't know really but what i'm thinking is that with the more serious I have taken photography and the more i've tried to push it into becoming my career, the more i've become worried about what I post.

I can shoot a band at 9pm and have a good selection edited before bed but rather than post them straight away I seem to dwell on them and the thing that bothers me is that I don't really know why i'm doing it.


I took some pictures the other day, it'd be nice if some people looked at them. I only saw 3 songs of KT Tunstall but I was not offended by what I heard (that may not sound like a compliment but it really is, doubt it'll make it onto a poster for her album though). Slow Club were...I don't even know. Amazing? Possibly. I would definitely see them again, I would probably consider paying as well (yep, really) and you don't get much of a higher accolade than that, not from me anyway!

Anyway (Part ii)...

KT -

Slow Club -


Tuesday, 12 October 2010

In the words of Bjork...

It's oh so quiet...

Well I have been at least, but I intend to change that (again!).

Right well first of all I got shortlisted (yay!) for the NME photo awards thing (linked) that I posted about a while ago, it was my Paloma Faith shot and it was doing rather well but has since dropped off a tad so i'd be ever so greatful if you could check it out.

Last week I shot Blood Red Shoes at Camden's Electric Ballroom for The Girls Are, it was my first time shooting for them but hopefully not the last!

You can see the shots on their website, on mine or on Facebook.
I'm hoping to update the whole website/blog thing and maybe make it into one easy to access hub of photographic enlightenment (or something) or if that's too hard I might just jazz it up a bit.
Also watch this space for shots from Lemonade Live and my shoot with 50ft Woman! They will, fingers crossed, be up very soon!
Until then why don't you tweet me up, buttercup? -

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Mr & Mrs Berry and a trip to Wales.

Bit of a 2 in 1 post here after a couple of weeks of nothing. I was back in Kent to shoot a wedding, my first this year, and i'm quite pleased with how it went.

As always there are quite a few more on my website and Facebook so feel free to check them out.

A couple of weeks later I went to visit some family in North Wales in an attempt to get away from the craziness of London. My trip included a day in Liverpool as i'd never been before so I thought it was only right to explore the historic city.

On Sunday I did a promo shoot for 50ft Woman and then in the evening was the photographer at Lemonade Live - Britain's Premier Music Showcase, the results of both will be up soon so keep an eye out and feel free to let me know what you think.



Monday, 16 August 2010

NME Photo Competition

NME have a photography competition going on at the moment. I've entered and would be delighted if you could vote for them, it only takes a couple of minutes. Just follow the links and choose the amount of stars relevant out of 10! I'd really quite like it if you gave them all a 10 even if you think one of them is only a 9, or less, basically what i'm saying is that whatever you think it's worth out of 10 round up, to the nearest 10! Thanks! - BoysLikeGirls - Paloma Faith - Mumford & Sons - Europe - OK Go

I'm pretty sure that once you've voted for the first you automatically go on to the second but they're all there just in case!

Monday, 5 July 2010

Wireless Festival 2010


Last weekend I shot Hard Rock Calling. I really enjoyed it. All of it. The music, the atmosphere, even the weather.
Maybe I was just pushing my luck hoping for a similar experience at Wireless.

It seems I was!

The music wasn't particularly to my taste most of the time, the atmosphere didn't seem right the further into the weekend it got and whoevers idea it is to have over 50,000 people in there should take a long hard look at themselves.
Ok so I guess I just feel like this because I shot predominantly on the 3rd stage (which was quite near the main entrance) whilst being based in the press area (somewhere behind the main stage). On Friday it was a good 5 minute walk. That's fine, it's not that long I know but when you have editing piling up every second counts. Plus it's hot and i'm carry cameras with lenses and battery packs. But anyway, I digress.


That 5 minute walk I was lucky to do in 10 minutes...again not a long time, but when you finish shooting a band and have half an hour until the next one starts that's 10 minutes to upload everything you've shot and start sorting (10 mins back to press area then the trip back to the stage ;p).

I'm gonna leave it there and just say it was a long weekend which was a good experience for me!

Now you can look at my photos, please, if you've got this far, which only I have, and i've stopped writing about 4 times, wow look at the amount of, err, commas i've used in this little bit, it's quite a lot.
It's like The Shining. Sort of.
Digression over.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Hard Rock Calling 2010

I headed down to Hyde Park at the weekend to shoot Hard Rock Calling for Live Nation. It was an absolute privilege and such good experience.

I'm not going to bore you with details but I will say there are a few more on Flickr and loads more on Facebook. You can also look at mine plus loads from some brilliant photographers on the Hard Rock Calling 2010 website.
I will just say that I fully enjoyed it and can't tell you how much i'm looking forward to Wireless festival this weekend!

Wednesday, 16 June 2010


Last night I was lucky enough to shoot Lissie. Now I don't know much about music but I wouldn't be surprised to see big things happen for her. Unfortunately for her (as a support act) there were only a few people in the audience.

Check out the rest of the shots on Facebook, Flickr or my website and don't forget to follow me on Twitter. Cheers.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Teenage Fanclub & Veronica Falls

I'm really starting to slack with this but I think that's because I have given myself so many things to update (don't worry, i'll remind you of them all at the end of this post).

So anyway Tuesday night I went to shoot Teenage Fanclub and as I was there early I thought I may as well shoot their support band Veronica Falls! It's the first time i've done a support band as well, I usually only just make it for the main band, but i'm hoping this habit will continue as you never know where things will lead.

That's about all I have to say for now but before I go i'll link you up with all my other exciting pages (as promised) which are spread delightfully over various parts of this internet thing.

Twitter - Facebook - Website - Flickr


Adam :)

Sunday, 6 June 2010


I have decided that in order to make myself more accessible as a photographer (and person, in general) I should get myself on Twitter.

Not got a lot more to say other than I would be honoured if you decide to follow me. You can then give me feedback on my work, ask any questions which you just have to get the answer to or you could vaguely keep track of what i'm doing without paying too much attention (although that's my least preferred option!).

I haven't yet worked out if I can link people straight to my Twitter account but it's @adamrbrownphoto

I'm gonna guess that is the link but if that doesn't work I apologise unreservedly!

Check back soon as i'm hoping the work is going to pick up over the next couple of weeks!


Tuesday, 25 May 2010


It's been so long but I still don't really have anything to say so i'll just post a couple of shots from last night and leave it at that!
As is often the case there are more to be seen if you so which case you should go to my Facebook page (which you and your friends, hint hint, can 'Like'), my flickr or my website.

Thanks for looking. Hopefully won't be another month before I post again! Adios!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

The King Blues

Just a couple of shots from Tuesday nights The King Blues gig. I've never really been a fan of theirs but it seems like i'm quite partial to a bit of acoustic-ska.

The are a few more shots on facebook, my website and flickr as usual so go ahead and check them out.

I was interviewed last week for website MyMetropole. Check it out. You know. If you want to.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


A crowd full of screaming teenage girls can't be least that's what i'm gonna tell myself. I didn't really get this but then i'm sure BoysLikeGirls aren't going to lose any sleep over the prospect of not having me as a fan!

From a photographic point of view they do know how to put on a show and the fact that there was a queue beginning to form for this show before the previous nights (Paul Brady & Band) had even finished shows that they're definitely doing something for their audience!

I am hopefully going to be shooting The King Blues tonight but as always i'll have to see what my schedule holds for me. I don't want to keep going on about it but if you want to see more you can go to my website, flickr page or 'like' my facebook page if you're into that sort of thing.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

The Shindig Addicts

Sunday was a beautiful day and I was lucky enough to meet and shoot East London based band The Shindig Addicts.

More of the shoot can be seen on flickr and facebook (where you can suggest the page to friends, you know, if you want to!?).

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Plan B

I've been so busy this last week I thought i'd already put something up about Plan B. I've only been doing this blog a couple of months but i'm already slacking, not a good sign.

It has been a really good (busy) week, I did a photoshoot for East London based band The Shindig Addicts (the results of which will be up very soon) which I really enjoyed and then had a good meeting about something which may be happening over the summer. Things are looking up though considering i'm still fairly inexperienced when it comes to this kind of photography.

As always more shots can be seen here, here and here. Thanks for reading, I really do appreciate it!

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Amy Macdonald

Bit late with the upload here but better late than never I suppose. Scottish singer/songwriter Amy Macdonald was in town so I thought i'd pop down to Shepherd's Bush to check her out.

As always there are more shots on my website as well as my facebook & flickr pages.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

The Enemy

Thursday night and The Enemy were headlining an evening in aid of Childline with support from the likes of Reverend & the Makers and Carl Barat.

The crowd was full of what I like to call 'beer throwers' so the pit was delightfully slippery with burly security guards taking up a fair amount of space because of the crowd-surfers. I can only guess but I think these factors may have had something to do with the fact I was one of only two photographers and i'm pretty sure the other one was working for either the band or Childline.

Needless to say, within 30 seconds of the first song I had been soaked by the remainder of a pint being thrown right over me in the direction of lead singer Tom Clarke.

They seemed pretty up for it, as did the crowd, i'm sure everyone had a good night and whilst I enjoyed having the photo pit all to myself (apart from the slippery floor & security) I was quietly pleased when my three songs were up. Quite pleased with the results too.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Paloma Faith

It has been a pretty long week so i'm not gonna bore you with my usual rambling and instead just let you look at a few of my shots.

Just a couple of shots. The rest can be seen in the numerous places displayed in the blog...

Monday, 29 March 2010

A Positive View

Yesterday I visited Somerset House for the A Positive View photography exhibition. I'd definitely recommend it if you have any interest at all in photography, and it's free to get in which is always nice.

There were photographs exhibited from the likes of Seydou Keita and (a particular favourite) Henri-Cartier Bresson.

I can't help but be inspired by work from these kinds of photographers and it's nice to get back out and about in London with camera in hand.

A Positive View ends on 5th April so I suggest you get down there whilst you still can. Plus you have the delights of reasonably priced food and drink in the Somerset House cafe to enjoy.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Turin Brakes

I headed down to Empire friday night (arriving with moments to spare) without really knowing what to expect. I used to quite like Turin Brakes but I was never a massive fan, although 'Pain Killer' is a particular favourite of mine.

Despite not being full capacity (not much interest from photographers either) there was a really good vibe. I enjoyed my 3 songs so much I stayed to watch for a while (although I did leave after they played 'Pain Killer' but it'd been a long week and I had a near hours journey home to look forward to!

I know it's not the best set of shots i've taken, but for 6 gigs worth of experience so far i'm quite pleased with my results.

Just a reminder that there are links from this page to my flickr page, my personal website and facebook (where you can become a fan if you so wish).

Check back for some Paloma Faith shots next week.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Mumford & Sons

Well. Where do I start? Saturday I shot the amazing Mumford & Sons at the Empire, a gig i've been looking forward to for months. What a show, what a band. Sunday night Marcus said that the first night they'd been nervous playing in a venue they used to walk by and look at the upcoming gigs listings, but it was such a good night i'm not sure anyone would've known!

They played three new songs and if they're anything to go by the fairly meteoric rise they have been on the past year isn't going to stop any time soon.

It's still early days in my attempts to get into this kind of work (this was only my 5th gig) but i'm really starting to enjoy it, although I think i've been influenced by the bands i've shot.

If i'm honest, I can't believe my luck!

I was fortunate enough to meet a couple of the band at saturday nights aftershow and I have to say that you couldn't wish to meet a nicer group of people. I really hope that their success continues, i'd also really hope that they play the Empire again and that I get to shoot them again because it was honestly the best night i've had in ages!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The XX 2.3.10

A couple of shots of The XX from last night at the o2 Shepherd's Bush Empire.

A few more can be seen on my facebook or flickr page.

Unfortunately I have nothing planned for a couple of weeks, looking forward to Mumford & Sons though.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

It's the Final Countdown

I was down at Shepherd's Bush again on Saturday and had been looking forward to it for a while as awaiting me was the prospect of shooting Europe. All I kept hearing in the weeks before the gig was "have you heard their new album? It's actually pretty good!" A friend of mine was going to the gig anyway and insisted they were a brilliant band, live or otherwise, and were not to be missed.

These gigs all provide somewhat of a learning curve for me but one that I am enjoying immensely, Europe were no exception. Joey Tempest really knows how to work an audience/camera and it's the first time i've shot this kind of frontman.

Again I am pretty happy with the results and i'm really looking forward to whatever the next gig I shoot is.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Brett Anderson 22.01.10

I was down at the O(2)ld Shepherd's Bush Empire again on Friday night for the Brett Anderson (the bloke who sings out of Suede).

Got a few shots but it was nowhere near as fruitful as OK Go the week before, at least from my point of view. A lot of the shots I got were too similar to each other to warrant using more than one and he wasn't the most animated of characters.

Still it's all about learning at this stage as it was only my second working gig. Also my first using my 40D, on my first full day of ownership, and as I hadn't had a chance to get to know my new bit of kit I wasn't really expecting much.

I got a few shots that I like though and I felt a bit more confident than I did at the OK Go gig so I have a few positives to take away from it.

I've not got anything planned in the way of a shoot for the next few weeks really so if anyone reading this has any suggestions or are in a band and they want some shoots taken then get in touch via

Peace out.

Friday, 22 January 2010

Canon EOS 40D

This is the Canon Eos 40D.

I like it. It's like the 20D, but called 40D and better.

I have one at my disposal but am yet to fully unleash the possibilities which lie within. I'll probably have a go later though and then unless they're terrible put some of the results on here or flickr or something. Should be alright.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Let's talk Business (cards)

Having setup the website and this blog to go alongside the flickr and facebook accounts I already have I thought it was about time I had a fairly decent business card to support me in my (attempted) efforts to gain some contacts.

This is it. I know it could be better but i've seen a lot worse. So just enjoy the wonderous aesthetic which beholds you. You're welcome.

Saturday, 16 January 2010


Last week I was lucky enough to acquire a photo-pass for OK Go at the o2 Shepherd's Bush Empire for my first proper offical attempt at gig photography. I got a few decent shots and was pretty pleased overall with the whole '3-song, no flash' event! Even if I was slighly overwhelmed by what seemed to be about 500 other photographers, or maybe 20...I didn't have time to count!

I'm hoping to shoot more in the near future but having had this short but sweet and very steep learning curve i'm sure that next time i'll at least have a bit for confidence when it comes to mixing it with the big guns!

Oh and one last thing, if, somehow, you have stumbled upon this blog take a look at my site with links to flickr, facebook and this blog if you get bored and want to read it again.

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